Men Have Labor Pains Too (Audiobook)

Men Have Labor Pains Too (Audiobook)

The arrival of a baby is a wonderful time! When a new baby comes into the world, it’s a miracle. During the delivery, the focus is on the woman. After all she’s the one feeling the pain, right? What about the father? Often he’s uncertain of his role. Men in the delivery room have their own issues and they’ll be addressed in this book.

First though, remember back in time, when men weren’t allowed in the delivery room? Guys were relegated to the waiting room, left to pace the floor as they waited for their children to be born. Thankfully there’s been a shift in tradition. Now over 90 percent of dads are right there with their partner encouraging her on.

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Men Have Labor Pains Too (Audiobook)
  • Men Have Labor Pains Too (Audiobook)

    The arrival of a baby is a wonderful time! When a new baby comes into the world, it’s a miracle. During the delivery, the focus is on the woman. After all she’s the one feeling the pain, right? What about the father? Often he’s uncertain of his role. Men in the delivery room have their own issues...